Thursday, October 30, 2008

Plays and conflicting dates

Gunnar is Musnick, the owner of the shop, in Little Shop of Horrors at the high school in November. Qatar is playing Tweedle Dee in Alice and Wonderland JR., at Ellis in November. Guess what? They are now both on the same weekend. Gunnar's is the 13th, 14th, and 15th and Qatar's is the 13th and 14th of November. The plays are not usually on the same weekend, but the high school had to postpone. I like to attend each night, but now I have to choose which to see first. Yuck, this just happened on Tuesday night with the high school concert and a meeting about the Science Olympiad at Ellis. David went to Ellis with Qatar and I took the three younger kids to the concert to see Gunnar.
I really thought when the kids got a bit older that things would settle down and I would have more ME(a bit selfish I realize) time. But, that is not what is happening, it is just getting busier and busier. More stuff to do in what seems like less time to do it all in. Funny thing is I am not one of those moms where the kids are involved in many activities, I like them to have time for friends and hobby's, but when they get to Ellis they all seem to sign up for every activity they can. Piano takes up time for the three oldest and starting at the end of next month is Basketball season and that is another full time pursuit of the two oldest. I think school work is on the back burner and I wish I could get that to be the priority.

Here is a photo of Gunnar with his History book in Wisconsin for an extra credit shot. The teacher wants them to get as far a way as they can with their books for a photo and then she gives them extra credit for distance. This is as far as we have been this quarter. He was attending a dance in LaCrosse and David was the driver and chaperon.


meredith said...

IKWYM we're having conflicts as well. My girls both have plays the same week but at least Em's is on Tuesday, Char's are Th and Friday (and is the same play as Qatar). I doubt it will ever get easier.

Shawn said...

if you only knew someone with mad photoshop skills - you could put him anywhere in the world . . . how much extra credit would he get for going to Bouvet Island?

Unknown said...

Maybe a quick trip over the holiday season. He needs to have himself, the book and the name of the place in the photo. I wish I had known this last summer when we went ot DC we would have taken the book with us and taken it in the arms of great statues. By the time we go to Iceland it will be too late for the class.

Nessa said...

I'm sorry that it is so cazy busy for you right now! It's a good thing that the holidays are right around the corner...they are so relaxing and stress-free! :)