Friday, October 3, 2008

Norm Coleman Sucks

Norm Coleman voted for the Bailout and I am not longer voting for him. I just ripped his sign out of my yard. I received a letter to donate money and I sent them their letter back with a Big, "Norm Coleman Sucks No Money for You." McCain and Obama both did not vote. Chickens and cowards to scared to offend anyone who might vote for them. I am disgusted, I have been busy writing my Senators and Reps. Amy Klobachur voted yes also, so I am not voting for her next time she is up. WE THE PEOPLE need to be heard and if we are not we need to vote for the person who votes the way we would. Tim Walz did not vote for the bill. Way to go TIM WALZ. Thanks for not being a coward.


Heather said...

Yeah, I called Rob Bishop's office today asking him to please not vote for the bailout bill and he didn't!! Not that it mattered much, but at least he has some of my respect. I will not be voting for Bennett and Hatch next time though because they voted FOR the bill.

TStevens said...

The best part is if you google "Norm Coleman Sucks" Lisa is in the top ten responses.

meredith said...

HMMM. I was already voting for Waltz. It's nice to be ahead of the game.

As for choosing between Norm and Al, who can really say who will do a better job? Neiter seems like a great choice so I'm sure it's not going to go well.

Anonymous said...

You need to put the sign back out but with some added words that express your opinion. Have fun with it.