Saturday, October 18, 2008

Birthday photos.

Here are some photos from Cade's Birthday Party. The cake was really cute and to top it off it really tasted good. JT and Cenneidigh were tring out different yoga poses with Grandma Rita in the living room.

We had family photos done today and Ashley was great. If I had been taking the photos I would have killed JT, and maybe a few other children. It was a bit chilly and our noses were getting that rosy glow. We stopped for cocoa and donuts on the way home. I just hope they turn out well, it is a miracle to get all of us together looking good and smiling at the same time. Zeke was sick this morning with a molar coming in(his gum is swollen around the tooth and it does look sore), so I gave him Tylenol to get us through the photos. Thank you Ashley for your patience's and time. I really appreciate it.


meredith said...

I love the shot of J.T. It's very cute!

Ashley said...

Hey I am not sure if you will get this comment before I get you the CD tomorrow but I finished!!! Yes look at the time it is almost 2 am. I get going and just don't stop. The photos turned out so great I am super excited to see what you think! They are on my photography blog (some of them). And your disc is ready. I will drop it off tomorrow sometime.

TStevens said...

I get to claim credit for the JT photo! I am all about plain dumb luck combined with volume. If you take hundreds of pictures a couple maybe okay :-)

Grandpa and Grandma B said...

Who made the great looking cake?

Anonymous said...

HYVEE made the cake, but Vanessa is going to try making it next year. She dissected it as she cut it up. It was not only cute, it tasted really good. That was a surprise. Lisa