Monday, November 24, 2008


School conferences tonight. We start at the elementary at 4pm then to Ellis for an hour then the high school by 6pm and back to Ellis for any missed teachers. I figure we will be home around 9 or so. Remember this when you want a baby, they grow up and you have to see their teachers and explain why your beautiful child is not perfect in school.

Someone at church asked me how JT does in school, (he has a hard time sitting still in Primary) I said that last year he did great and I would find out on Monday from his new teacher. JT's teacher in kindergarten loved how JT would hum when he worked on math and things. She said she always knew he was happy. JT does not like to sit or be quiet. He is the loudest singer in Primary and I just have to keep telling him to sit down and be quiet the rest of the time. I have taken him to David at times to keep from killing him myself.

1 comment:

meredith said...

I hope that they all went fabulously!!!!!