Tuesday, September 9, 2008

TIVO problems

I am so behind in what is going on in town and in the world. I blame my TIVO, I speed through commercials and I watch only the shows I want to watch. I am not aware of world going ons unless I actually watch the news. Example: today at taste panel, one of the other people was wearing a "I voted" sticker. I had to ask what we were voting for? Primaries was the answer. OOHHH. I blame TIVO completely for my lack of knowledge. When I watched commercials I saw the bits of news here and there, and the political commercials. OH well I am ignorant of going ons, but happy for the bliss. I do love watching what I want when I want and not watching commercials. I do catch myself stopping the speed through to see a new commercial for something interesting and funny. TIVO has changed the way I watch TV. JT feels the same. JT speeds through the commercials like a champ and when he is sometimes watching live TV (hardly ever) he gets upset that he cannot speed through the boring parts, he comes to get me just to make sure he is not doing something wrong.
Gunnar auditions for Austinaires tomorrow. I am already nervous for him. I swear someone forgot to cut the umbilical cord completely. I get more nervous for the kids then they do for themselves. Hopefully the cord will be completely cut soon, Gunnar is so outgoing he may kill me if I continue to get sick every time he does something in public.


Heather said...

How funny. I think I am in my own little world sometimes when I comment about something funny that I saw on a commercial or somthing and NOBODY knows what I am talking about. I know about the celebrities and local news because I am the only one who actually watches live TV. I daydream about TIVO sometimes....and all those cable TV shows on like HGTV and TLC and such..ahhh..wouldn't that be nice!

Unknown said...

I cannot imagine having real cable. I think I would need two or three TIVO's if I had that many channels. We have just basic cable with mostly local channels, that look like fuzzy shadows without the cable. We cannot afford the big cable, but once we got TIVO I am not going back.

Nessa said...

Seriously, Jaxon cries when I can't fast forward live TV. They are so spoiled! Hey tell Gunnar good luck for me...and BREATHE!!! He'll do great!

meredith said...

Gunnar will do great- and when you figure out how to cut the cord let me know b/c I haven't cut mine either!!!!

BTW- I not only only have basic cable, I don't have tivo or a dvr. I have to watch plain old live tv- or miss it when I don't. Sadly, I usually don't get to sit down until about 10 p.m.- so it's flipping back and forth between the "real news" and tmz for me. (Which means while I knew about the primaries, I didn't know anything about the canidates) so I didn't vote either. I'll have it all down by Nov. I'm sure......

Paige said...

Umm yeah, I am so missing TIVO. All I want to do is flip on the TV for a few minutes while I cook and eat. Then I will stop to actually watch and I'll catch myself looking for the remote so I can rewind to what I missed. So annoying.