Thursday, September 11, 2008

Life at the Peters house.

Nothing truly exciting is happening right now and that is OK. We had a Scout Court of Honor last night, Gunnar and Qatar received numerous awards. Gunnar presented his Eagle project idea and got lots of great feedback. I think he has chosen a big project with many steps, I have read up on other projects done in the area and this is rather large and it is going to be a challenge. Multiple days and many volunteers needed. Refreshments and other items will need to be gathered, it will be a challenge. Training of the volunteers needs to be done also.
Cenny did not win Student Council for her class, instead a girl who promised to buy wheel chairs for all those who needed them did. I told her next year to promise to have pop and candy machines put into all the classrooms. Why not, that is how the political system seems to work, LIE LIE LIE LIE.
My "MOM JEANS" well they are the most comfortable jeans I have ever owned. David saw them on me and said they do not look like "MOM JEANS",(he even showed me what he thinks "MOM JEANS" look like in a catalog, and yes these do not look like that.) but I do not care at this point. They fit well, look good, don't gap in the back when I lean over and they are like wearing my favorite pair of old sweats. I will be getting more in every color available. I was wrong these are so much better then the "YOUNGER JEANS" out there.
Here is a photo of JT triing on every pair of underwear he has at the same time. He is a nut.


Heather said...

Tyler saw the picture of JT and said "Mom, who is that!?!" I said "It's your cousin JT." He says "Well, I really don't want to see him like that." and scrolled down the page to block him from our view. aparantly he doesn't find your "nut" very funny, but I do!

Unknown said...

JT is not one for clothes. He come home from school and strips. I have told him "No shirt and pants, no service" when it comes to meal time. One day JT and Cade came home from Kindergarten and both stripped to their underwear and sat next to each other while playing x-box. It was a sight. It was also winter and very cold in the house. Strange NUTS

Dawn said...

Just make sure JT doesn't try the "change your underwear" thing by putting on all of them and then taking off the top pair every morning and claiming he changed his underwear =D

Anonymous said...

You weren't lying when you said that JT is bringing sexy back...
