Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cenneidigh and being a girl.

Cenneidigh was getting dressed today and noticed that her brown boots had a broken zipper. She was quite upset and did not know what shoes to wear. She thought she should change her outfit to match shoes she could find. I told her she could wear other shoes not just brown, "Dad wears brown shoes with blue pants." Cenneidigh said, "Mom, Dad is not a girl and does not know fashion." I had to admit she was right about Dad not being a girl and maybe the fashion thing. She ended up running out of time, (I had to work at Southgate, so they had to be ready at 7:35am instead of 7:45am) and chose to wear the Hannah Montana tennis shoes she has that are no longer new white, mostly brown at this point.
Fashion Problems: She rips all the clothes out of her closet everyday looking for something to wear. I tell all the kids every night to pick out what they are wearing the next day so we have no emergencies in the morning, but still clothes everywhere everyday. Such a girl thing to do.


TStevens said...

I am at least the Kyan Douglas of the family!

NOTE: Steven is the Carson Kressley.

Paige said...

Yeah on weekends when I am TRYING to look cute my room always ends up covered in all my clothes. DRAMA and you know its always a shoe fiasco that messes everything up! That Cen, way to be a girl in such a testosterone home.