Monday, September 29, 2008


I do not understand everything, but I think the bailout is a bad idea and there are other things that can be done for the economy. I just checked out the votes and I am thrilled that MN representative Tim Walz voted NO. I am very surprised he is a Democrat and I expected him to go with them, but he is listening to the people who put him in office. I have been writing to my representatives and Senators and letting them know how I feel about this bailout. I hope they will not race through this process. They need to take time to make sure they do not blow it. The stock market will rebound and the economy will find a new normal. Not having easy credit may not really be all that bad. Suze Orman says we should all realize we need to stop spending money we do not have. That is where I agree with her. JUST SAY NO TO THE 700 Billion BAILOUT.


Renee Anderson said...

Keep me posted on the bail out!

meredith said...

I am undecided on this issue. The bail out would have kept the stock market far more secure- it lost over 700 points today (or around 700, I can't remember now). If our stock market tanks, how will our economy do? How about all of our retirement accounts that are loaded with stocks? Do we as a people loose more by paying for this bail out or by not paying and having our retirement tank? I'm personally for totally getting rid of social security and letting peole save on their own b/c s.s. is a joke. But, I can't imagine how we will save if the stock market is so insecure.
So Lisa, I think you have a go head on your shoulders. Tell me why a no bail out makes sense for us as 30 somethings, because I just don't see it working either way. Thanks!!!!