Wednesday, May 26, 2010

There is only love, Last Happiness Project Commandment

The last commandment in the Happiness Project and I can see why this is the last one. You need to use most of the other commandments to make this one work. When David bugs me I need to "Lighten UP" "Let it go." and "Identify the problem." Which is going to be me. I need to realize that I love him and that I need to work on me and not on him. You're the only one that can change you and you can't change anyone else.
When you forget the problems you see with others and remember that it is only love you can do amazing things. When David bothers me, I only need to remember that I love him and forget all the reasons I'm upset in the first place.
With "No Calculations." I need to not overestimate my work and underestimate his. I need to remember only love. Love wins in the end, if we let it.
I had a workmate that was extremely difficult to get along with. Everyone told me to just grin and bear it, but I didn't like that idea. I pushed my way into his life and
looked at all the good things about him only, determined to ignore the bad. We slowly became friends and the more time we spent together, WOW, I have to tell
you that it has been years since we worked and hung out together, but we stay in contact and to this day and forever(I'm sure) I will always consider him one of my dearest friends.
It works, but I've been too busy to put it into practice lately (it also requires lots of time, worth it in the end.)
Am I happier now that I have read this book and thought about the principles one at a time? I am happier now. Sure I still have the same things, life, house, husband, kids, stresses, an old van that may be on its last leg, a budget that always has more month in it then money and the same old temper that gets me into trouble that I had when I started reading and researching Happiness, but I now feel I have the tools necessary to keep striving for more and more and more happiness. I've also searched out other books on happiness. It really is a conscious decision you need to make if you want to be truly happy. Happiness is not about where you live or where you work or how much money you make or who you hang out with or how your parents made or broke you. It is about you!!!!!! and about how you see things. Choose to be happy and you will be. "Act the way you want to feel." Happiness is up to you. Remember Moms. "When mom ain't happy, ain't no one happy."
Choose to be the one that sets the tone and watch the world around you change for the better.

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