Friday, April 30, 2010

Cenneidigh and the Topsy Turvy experiment

Cenneidigh is going to grow a tomato in a Topsy Turvy and one in the ground with a cage. She is going to see which produces the most tomatoes. She has been very excited about this and finally we got the plants for her to plant and a huge bag of potting soil which she used all of.
We are going to make this a science project if we can keep up with the data. I think having the experiment done by September will be a vast improvement to the usual way of doing it the week of the science fair. Wow maybe we can beat procrastination this year.
We both also planted the fountain and Zeke bought two strawberry plants with his own money. We planted them around the fountain. We removed a few rocks to make room.
We are going to move the Topsy Turvy to the same spot as the other plant, we need Gunnar to do it and he was gone for the day. I have lots of lily's if anyone once to dig some up they can have them. I should dig up half of what I have so far, it will be too many otherwise.


Heather said...

we thought about buying the topsy turvy, but haven't done it yet. Keep it up so I can see which is better!

Grandpa and Grandma B said...

What a great idea Cenneidigh! We look forward to tasting your tomatoes.

Grandpa and Grandma B said...

I am so excited to see how your upside down plants do, it will be a great science project!! Grandma