Sunday, August 10, 2008


I have decided that this is my blog and so I am going to tell you what I think. Gunnar was cheated, do not get me wrong, I am glad. He needs to learn to be more prepared, but he was great and his stage presence was above all others in the contest. The fiddler was fun to listen to, but really she was just a statue on the stage with a fiddle and a smile. Gunnar said after the performance that he was quite nervous, another problem with not being fully prepared. I am so proud of him he never looks scared.
Ezekiel did win and he was great. He woke up Saturday and thought he might have the flu, because he was so sick to his stomach. Pepto did not help, but after the performance he felt much better. I tried to tell him he was just nervous, but he swore he was sick. He was surprised he won and it was cute to see him go up and get his check. He now needs to work on his stage presence and smile. We will have him bow at the end with a smile if he can handle all the nerves. I really hope it is easier for him this time around.
I am in no way BIAS!!! I am Not!!

1 comment:

meredith said...

Gunnar was totally cheated. It's like I said at church, we live in a society where lying (and cheating) are rewarded. Maybe we can go t.p. the judges' homes for their bad examples. Congrats to Zeke for winning and for Gunnar's 2nd place award. We know that he should have won!!!!

BTW- call me if you want to walk tonight