Wednesday, March 31, 2010

This item was fun. A large bungee at the end that you hook to the vest you were wearing and then run as far as you can and you would get snapped back. I told David to hold JTs arms and pull, then let go(like a rubber band.) JT flew back and he did not think it was funny at all.

The House of Bounce Friday, while Qatar and Ezekeil were camping with the scouts, we took the other three to the House of Bounce in Rochester. I forgot my camera and I don't know how to get the photos off of my phone. David and I paid to play and had a great time. The large slides were scary for me, but JT and Cenny had no problems. Gunnar even enjoyed himself and afterwards we were so hot and tired we stopped for ice cream and french fries.
This slide was huge. At the top you had to grab two handles and hang by your arms, then let go and slide(really fast). The climb up was steep and the smell of hot, sweaty bodies was strong. Many parents sat at the benches and watched their kids go up and down. But it was a great form of exercise.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Zeke at the school concert

These were taken by Dawn, I forgot my camera.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Books 42 and 43

Slow in the beginning, but funny as it warmed up. I listened to this on a Playaway from the library and sped it up to three most of the time. I love the speed controls, three cut off about 15 seconds every minute, but the end I listened to in two to make sure I didn't miss anything. "A smile lurking behind a laugh." The story is about a marriage and an injury that makes them both rethink what they are doing, they separate and then the husband becomes the man he was before they got married and everything changes. It takes awhile, but the premise is that you can find paradise anywhere, if you try hard enough. Both people forgot to try, they got caught up in life and let the things that matter drift away and then were almost sure they could not find them again. The whole town got wrapped up in the separation and everyone started to really work on their personal relationship. They all discovered things about each other and about themselves that they had lost in the progression of time and the business of life. It was a good thing to think about. When did we stop caring what we looked like and when did we stop saying thank you for the basic things others do for us? There is not work, laundry, dishes, or clean house faerie, but we take those things for-granted and expect them to be done and we only really notice when they aren't done for awhile. Life is busy, but relationships are lasting and need work, work that can never be overlooked for any other reason.
Long, Long, long and Long. The story was long, I don't want anyone to forget that. It was long, the end was sweet, but not worth the LONG LONG LONG story.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Zeke is such a pain

"Are you doing anything special at the spring concert at school today?" My question to Zeke this morning.
"No." Zeke answers
"Really are you sure?" Me again.
"Yep, oh maybe the Big Red thing I guess." Zeke says walking off to brush his teeth.
Ok so he is not doing anything, I leave my camera at home, because the lights are low and the kids are far away and no one is doing anything alone anyway.
Get there and Zeke is in the Big Red playing his instrument and in a uniform. Then he plays the bongos, or whatever those big drums are called for another number. He holds up a travel brochure in another small vignette. Not doing anything, why do I ever believe him?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Too funny, I know how she feels.

Breaking News: Irvine Mom Survives Being Left Home Alone

Irvine, Ca. Suzanne Broughton, mother of two, survived a day alone in her Irvine home without her family. "I'm not going to lie, I was pretty confused and scared at first when I realized there wasn't anyone in the house," said Broughton in a phone interview. "I kept hearing this weird noise that was freaking me out, but then I realized, it was just silence."

Suzphotobooth "A mom who suddenly finds herself home alone can get disoriented easily," said Dr. Warren Turkle, an Orange County doctor who specializes in modern parenting issues like Chuckephobia (fear of going to Chuck-e-Cheese) and OCTEID (the need for a mom to compulsively talk in lengthy detail about their child's reoccurring ear infections).

"It's best if a mom can wean herself slowly from the raucous atmosphere she is used to by replicating the noise with Sponge Bob on in the background or giving the cat the dog's bone in order to emulate sibling bickering." These are just a few tips in his book, "The Pottery Barn Kids Catalog Mystique: Parenting is about more than heirloom quality quilts and color coordinated storage baskets. "Moms simply need to affirm themselves by saying things like 'I used to be an attorney, I'm certainly capable of spending the afternoon by myself.'"

In a press conference yesterday, Suzanne's husband, Larry Broughton, who was initially regarded as a sort of "local hero" by Suzanne's friends after offering to take the kids for the day, was on the defensive as accusations of insensitivity started to circulate,"Listen, Suzanne was mostly able to function before she had kids and I had every confidence she would be just fine by herself for one day," Mr. Broughton said to a smattering of reporters. "I even thought she might be able to get some stuff done around the house while I was gone." At that, an audible gasp was heard from the female journalists in the crowd.

Though local officials didn't return our calls for a comment on the legality of leaving a mom home alone for an entire day, there was a statement from the guard at the Broughtons' community gate. "I don't know. I don't think I like it," said Kerby Williams as he wrote down the license plate of an AT&T truck. "What next? Walking alone through the community or worse, OUT of the community? I just don't like it," shaking his head as he turned away an unauthorized bus full of school children.

When asked how she filled the time when she was alone, Mrs. Broughton admitted she had lots of plans--like sorting the orphan sock basket, getting the family's taxes together, organizing her photos on iPhoto--but, she said with a spark of energy, "I ended up taking a nap, looking-up old friends on Facebook, and then watching 10 shows that had accumulated the last two years on her DVR. "It was one of the best days of my life," she said, obviously emotional when thinking back on the day.

Written for my blog at the ever-awesome: OC Family.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Posting something everyday

It's maybe too much for me. Here is a photo of Parker in the process of being trimmed for the spring. He can only handle having half of his body done at a time. He is a nervous Nellie. He looked pretty funny for a day or two.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

They are home

Grandma and Grandpa are home after a long time in Iceland. We went to the airport and picked them up Tuesday and the kids really wanted them to come home with us and not to their place. Oh well, they have to wait until Wednesday to see them at our home.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Book number 41

Loved it, he has a haunting voice and a main character who is looking for himself. He believes he left himself out on the moors, in the winter, during a blizzard when he was 10. I love this series, this is the 2nd and I have read them completely out of order. I wish I could read Icelandic to read the ones that have yet to be translated.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

They are coming home today.

Not Qatar, but Mom and Dad, or Grandma and Grandpa. We are on leaving for the airport after dinner today. It's been awhile. Qatar came home from school and told me that the volcano they have been waiting to erupt in Iceland did yesterday. Sorry they missed it after all.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Books 39 and 40

This I listened to on CD and it was really cute. A funny romantic comedy. I have another of hers to listen to next week.

This was a funny, strange and scary book. I've read all the books from Jane Austen and I never expected this, but it was very true to her vision of the times. Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters. Now I need to read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I love all the movies based on Pride and Prejudice, especially Bride and Prejudice, so maybe the story will be great. Those of you familiar with this story no that this never happens in the book, it didn't happen in this book either. Willoby never planned on proposing to Marrianne, ever.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Happiness Project

The Happiness Project
I've been thinking about this book since my mother-in-law told me about it. I've requested it at the library, but I'm 8th so it could take awhile. It sounds interesting and I'm looking forward to reading it.
After reading the book, Sue was telling me about the day her oldest was diagnosed with cancer and how all she wanted was to go back to the day before, her life before, even with all its imperfections and flaws. The day before had been perfect, life before had been paradise. I've thought about that and come up with the fact, that my life is pretty good. Five beautiful children, a husband who encourages me to do whatever I desire, a drive to improve, and more wonderful gifts then I could ever number. So why do I complain? Thats a thought to think about now and here is what I've come up with so far(and I haven't even read the book yet.)

The first year I subbed was difficult, I dreaded the morning call. When I came home in the afternoon all I wanted was to be left alone and to eat. I put on six pounds the first year, what a shock when June came and I couldn't fit most of my summer clothes. I expressed my concerns to a teacher one lunch hour, the next fall and she told me, "It is rarely a good day when a sub is involved. The kids know they can get away with things they normally can't and they will push your buttons. So don't sweat it, do the best you can, relax and try to enjoy them." Well I tried and it was amazing what happened. My assigned jobs were suddenly so much more fun, the kids were better behaved and the day flew by.
I've discovered that it really wasn't the assignments as much as it was my attitude about those assignments. If I take the time to get excited about the coming day and the classroom I receive, I always have a great day. If I'm running late and not prepared then all bets are off. My subbing jobs have been a wonderful experience this year and I have enjoyed almost everyone of them. I'm no longer looking at it as something I have to endure, but more like a process, an escapade, what interesting things, and fun kids await me next. I'm never disappointed by the classes and the things they do, especially if I know things are not going to be text book perfect. Even yesterdays cold fire drill was fun to think about. Some of the kids jumped around, some just stood frowning complaining, some huddled together to stay warm, and some smiled and laughed knowing they were missing class. I even smiled knowing I was missing class. Funny how when you think you are getting away with something that no one else is, it is suddenly more enjoyable.

Now just to look at the rest of my life. Well here it goes: Today is a good day and the things we get done and the things we don't, all leads itself to the adventure. I'm getting away with happiness, more maybe then anyone else and when this life is done I'll remember laughing in the cold. Life is not about finishing first, or best, or even in the top ten. Its about the experience, the ride, the lives that touch ours and the day to day. "Ain't about about how fast I get there, ain't about whats waitin on the other side, its the Climb." Love that Miley.
So raise a glass to TODAY! May it be the best day so far.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

25 minute Fire Drill

Actually it wasn't a drill and I'm glad I had just put back on my sweatshirt. It was maybe 40 with a strong wind. I was subbing at Ellis and waiting for the fire department to clear the building was freezing and long. Some kids were dressed for summer, it had been 60 yesterday, not today. Cloudy and chilly. I would have given my sweatshirt up for one of my kids, but no one else. It is suppose to snow this weekend. So long Spring, hope to see you back this way soon.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Books 36, 37 and 38

Good, chilling and scary. A hospital and prison for the criminally insane. Two rangers investigate an escape on the island, in the Boston harbor. The main character Teddy is dealing with his own issues and the death of his wife. Great story, fast pace and then it broke my heart. Do not read this unless you like to cry. I will not be seeing the movie. I may never get the end out of my head.
Strange and long, I listened to it on CD in the car going here and there and wow it was long. It was about the waterless flood coming, a plague in the future and events leading up to it. Religious Bible preaching and strange new genetic engineered creatures. Weird is the only thing I can say about this book.
Funny romantic comedy and one Mormon mention(handing her a drink she refuses he goes though a list of reasons, one was Are you Mormon?)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ezekiel is taking off on the piano

Ezekiel is practicing most days now and I really enjoy listening to him and Cenneidigh is doing well also. Zeke is playing some difficult pieces and sounding absolutely beautiful. I'm looking forward to the recital in June to see what he decides to play. Cenneidigh will be in the recital along with Qatar. JT wants to start piano and I told him next fall would be a good time to start.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Gunnar dances to the beat of a different drum

At a Freshman retreat, Gunnar was the 11th grader assistant and he said that no one should be able to sit still during the chorus of Party in the USA. He proved it while the rest of the group watched him do so. Photo from the Austin Daily Herald.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

books 34 and 35

David does not think I should count this book because it is like a picture book, but I've read the others and really enjoy them. And anyway it is my contest, not his. Highly recommend any of the Post secret books.
Wow what an eye opening book. Read this and learn about yourself and everyone else around you. I am going to try different ways to help my children learn from now on. WOW!!! Highly recommended. Carrot and stick motivation is a thing of the past, what we all need is Intrinsic motivation not external. Loved it and I see how I get older more of my life is governed by Intrinsic motivation and less by external. It has to mean something to me now, not just a prize at the end of the journey. I want to read and document as many books as I can this year and I am not competing with anyone but myself. Like Dave Ramsey says. "You are the same person a year from now except for the people you meet and the books you read." Read read read. you will love this book.

Monday, March 15, 2010


I don't know about the rest of you out there, but lately I've felt very overwhelmed by life in general. Constant stream of things to do, get done, go see, clean and cook. The illness in our home has been high this year and I feel like I'm never well. I'm home very little and in the car on a constant basis. Go here, pick up here, drop of here, and don't forget the other six people in the house and their schedules. I hate remembering everything and I tell the kids I can't hardly keep up with my schedule let alone theirs. As spring emerges, life just gets more busy. More subbing, more concerts, more sports activities and more birthday parties. We have an average of four birthday parties a month for someone. Family or friends of the kids. Crazy busy and I need a break from it all. This is were I wish for more money then I need so I could go spend a week on the beach somewhere, doing nothing.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day light savings

I hate this time of year. I wake up today feeling drugged and it's only an hour, amazing. I was really enjoying the bright light in the morning. Not taking Zeke to Math Masters at 7am in the light is going to be a shame.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Budget time again

We are going to need a new van very soon, ours is over 10 years old and it has been coast to coast. I do not want a car payment and anyway we really can't afford one, so budget that nasty word I hate is going to have to be part of our vocabulary again and this time we need to mean it. Getting out of debt was fun, but day to day budgets are not. We will work on it, but the bottom line is we cannot have a car payment, we will keep the van going as long as we can and then pray we find one in the price range of the money we have saved.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Some-days I want to kill my children.

I installed a new handle to the screen door yesterday, it keeps blowing open in the wind. The lock was broken last year and I forgot about it. I installed it yesterday still feeling under the weather, but it needed to be done. This morning I go to get the mail and the latch isn't latching when I pull it back closed. Upon further investigation I see that the latch part had been broken off. Someone was in a hurry so they most likely kicked the door open instead of unlatching it. I could kill them sometimes. Impatience is one thing, destruction of property is another and I am fit to be tied right now. When does the joy in having children start?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Books 31, 32 and 33

This was a suggestion from David and I liked it, some language issues with the rough talking cops in Baltimore. It was interesting and kept my attention. A quote from the book, "A parent is only as happy as their unhappiest child."

These follow The Fifth Victim and continues the story. I would hate to live in this tiny mountain town in Tennessee where people drop like flies. Murder in a small town? How many people die before it becomes a problem? I liked them, but come on if that many people turned up murdered brutally in Austin I think the town would shut down and people would move.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Qatar won third place at Science competition

Qatar left at 5am on Saturday for the competition at St. Thomas in the cities. His team had worked hard, last year they came in 14th, I think. But this year was their year and they got 3rd in State. Good job Qatar way to go buddy!!!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New watch

David fixed a mistake at work, a bunch of pork that was incorrectly marinaded. The pork was made into another item and didn't need to be trashed. The persons whose product it was gave him a coupon reward booklet. I wanted to get a watch so he gave it to me to choose the item. This is what I choose. It came this weekend and its really cute, perfect for my wrist. This takes me back, the 80's. Swatch, Madonna, leg warmers, etc. Thanks honey.

Monday, March 8, 2010

WHAT? Pardon me? Speak up please. You're mumbling.

Wait, are you talking to me? My ears are still ringing from the concert. The music was incredibly loud and my ears were hurting then and still are. The buzzing is annoying and I keep having to tell the kids to speak up. Man I sound so old.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

More concert shots and funny memories

Megan was funny, the interview for the apple pie consisted of her asking about the top crust and then explaining with her hands about the kind of crust she wanted. Not the lattice top, but the complete top, full hand motion here. The museum at the Surf Ballroom consisted of photos on the wall of the stars who died after the Winter Dance Party. Lot so photos of anyone who has preformed at the Surf and/or stopped there. Obama was there at one time and many big named stars(now anyway.)
It was memorable and only about an hours drive south, you should go.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Jimmy Wayne Concert in Clear Lake

I heard on the radio that Jimmy Wayne was coming to the Surf Ballroom so I looked it up on-line and then him on Itunes(he sounded familiar but I'm awful with names.) I love several of his songs so I called Amanda and I bought tickets. Bonnie was going to come and then she fell on the ice and hurt herself(Ice is a killer this year.) Megan took Bonnies ticket and came along.
The drive down was quick, but I got the giggles and didn't get rid of them until I got home. We ate at the Boathouse right next door and the sandwich I had was good. The waiter was interesting(in a good way.) They only served cheese cake and French silk pie, so we walked over to another restaurant and they only served cheese cake and key lime pie, the bowling alley only served candy and you had to remove your shoes at the door.(the carpet would get wet from shoes so everyone was in stocking feet or bowling shoes. The whole doorway was full of shoes,I should have taken a photo)
We ended up at the Island for cheese cake, but Megan asked and they also had apple pie. After a long interview regarding the pie, Megan ordered it and Amanda got Key Lime and I got a Coke to keep me awake.
The concert was LOUD, the opening act started at 9pm. Jimmy came on stage at about 10pm and I was yawning. We were two people from the stage and Megan gave me a shove and he grabbed my hand(Yeah!) He surfed the crowd twice and he was extremely personable. He sang a few of my favorite songs, of his, and the crowd sang along. We got home a bit before one in the morning and wow I'm exhausted and then Qatar woke me up at 4:45AM to take him to school for a science competition. Can you say "Tired".

Friday, March 5, 2010

29 and 30 books

Loved this one just like the others. A friend died and he wanted to tell him, but he didn't, "Thank you for being with me." He doesn't have many friends and even though this man was only a work friend, at first, he was glad to have shared part of his life with him and he will be missed by him and maybe only him. Great author, highly recommended.
The other book was a romance and David took it back to the library and I don't remember the name. It was ok.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Qwest vs. Charter

I called Charter to change my services, cancelled cable and then wanted a deal on internet and phone. I could only get one if I upped my services and without the cable and my year deal, my service for phone and internet went up to 113 a month. I cancelled and signed with Qwest for 59.00 a month for faster internet and the same phone service minus the free long distance which we never used anyway. I want internet and phone for 60 a month forever, what is the problem? I hate the get more services get a better price. I don't need or want more, I haven't missed cable at all. We have so much to watch as it is with Netflix and playon it is ridiculous. Get a clue people, lower prices for customers more happy customers or I will keep changing companies every year, seems like a waste of both are time.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cardinal time

This beautiful bird was in our yard, I missed a better shot by opening the door and letting the dog run out by mistake while I was going out.