Friday, January 16, 2009


It is too cold so school has been cancelled again. Two days in a row and it is cold 25 below zero and with the wind chill it gets ridiculous.

Go global warming!! I wish global warming was a truth, but it is not obviously. We will be staying in hibernating again today. I hope you are warm. I did have the time to sleep in today. YEA!!!

David and I have a party at the country club tonight so I guess I will have to go out, but it is suppose to be 2 degrees by then. A huge warming trend is coming, 32 by Wednesday and if you think about it that is a 70 plus degree raise from yesterdays low.


meredith said...

It is so freaking cold. I'm not leaving my house at all today!!!!

Heather said...

It makes me shiver just thinking about it. I am glad we don't live there, but it would be fun to live by all of you guys.

Ashley said...

amen and thankyou, I am kind of sick of the global warming hype...Global warming is a very natural course the earth takes but in a very slow hardly noticed way. The only things humans have done is possibly sped the process ever so slightly. People should go to school and study it before they assume it. And you are right look at this winter for example!! GEESH!! I too am happy now it is warm. There off my soap box now...hehe