Thursday, June 10, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Piano recital for Cenny and Zeke with play rehearsal the same day and time tomorrow. Today is my chriopratic appt., then piano lessons at the site of the recital so then can't walk. Its raining and David has the van because the truck is full of de-construction for the dump run later. The three oldest all need haircuts today or tomorrow. David told me while I was doing Kempo today(it was suppose to be Yoga, but I felt like fighting, funny huh?) that I talked and walked around the room most of the night. He said he told me to go back to sleep and that worked for awhile until I was up and walking again. "Must be stressed?" "Yes, I have a play director wanting the kids there and a piano teacher wanting the kids at the same time."
Yesterday we went to lunch and then to the library then to b-ball for Cenny. After that I started the B-bque and cooked burgers, chicken and pork chops. I was hungry. Then to the garden class that the three youngest are in. We weeded and then dug up a few volunteer tomatoes in the bean plot. We came home planted them quickly and then off to rehearsal. Home at 9pm for bed. The house is a mess.
I thought summer was going to be relaxing. Still trying to finish editing my book. My reading has slowed down and I miss my quiet time.

1 comment:

Heather said...

your post makes me want to go back to bed and read a good book. My friends asked me if I wanted to sign Tyler up for swimming lessons this month with their kids. I declined because He already has piano lessons and T-ball twice a week. It is summer BREAK after all.