Monday, April 23, 2012

Steampunk History

Cenny, Jt and I went to the Minnesota History Center and they were having a Steampunk Day.  In one room they had a great display of interesting things like the above photo.  Piles of things to work with and build...glue guns, drills, pliers.  We spent an hour putting things together.  I made a tie pin(old machine pieces and bottle caps), earrings(out of old keys) and Cenny made a pin (bottle caps and trophy labels)and JT a kaleidoscope(silver painted towel tube and clear balls).  Fun with junk.  David and the two boys showed up after doing baptisms at the temple and we explored the rest of the museum.  This membership was part of our Christmas present from Grandpa and Grandma.  Lots of fun and many different historical places to visit in Minnesota on the same pass.

1 comment:

H. Wimmer said...

I love steampunk stuff. Its so neat and different. I bought Doug a really cool ring.