Friday, April 22, 2011

This is going to get tough and I already cry everyday

Gunnar's senior ID, the senior photo is in the year book not this one.
Gunnar with Qatat and I think they still spend time like this.

  Gunnar is such a goof and a good kid that it is really difficult for me to let him go.  I want him to go to college, what a wonderful time in a persons life.  I just really will miss him and everyone is not helping when they tell me that my life will never be the same.  I don't like change and this is huge.  I told Gunnar that I just wish time would stop for a little while, ten or twenty years thats all.  Thats not much to ask, is it?
  Young moms enjoy your kids they grow up so fast.  0-5 seems long and then it goes in the blink of an eye and WOW!!!!!  Tears and more tears to come.  I really wish he was this age again.


Heather said...

oh poor Lisa.

It goes by fast huh?...I don't believe you.

H. Wimmer said...

Mom cried for days after you left. She couldn't even go into your room without crying.
I believe it goes by fast when looking backward but when looking forward some days it goes by really slow.