Dawn was complaining about the notes to Caleb from girls and now I am complaining about the girls calling asking Gunnar out. Most calls go to his cell phone, but some come to the house. He was very diplomatic saying "no" with all of us in the room, if it had been on the cell who knows. I just told him to say he had a good year before he could date, He just said he was busy. Well he did say they could hang out sometime this summer, so I come downstairs and there she is on the couch. Cute little 15 year old girl playing the Wii with Gunnar, and the best little tattletalers ever, Ezekiel and JT. I think it is safe to go to my appointment with Edward Jones. Well gunnar is fast becoming a cutie. Scary Scary kids do grow up.
wow. I'm glad my kids are still too young. Thankfully boys are still gross!!!!
As long as he hangs out at home there will be nothing to worry about. Maybe you want to take away the cell phone so that he has to have all of his conversations in a room full of people =D
As long as he's playing the Wii, and not the girl, everything is FINE!!!!!!!!!
Just don't let him talk to his dad about girls and he should be fine.
His cell phone saves many issues that would be such a pain without it, I can find him anywhere at any time. Also, I am not a good secretary, too many others things to do.
We have four cordless home phones and a corded one, many places to have a private conversation. Believe me Cell Phones are worth there weight in gold. Qatar gets his Freshmen year. Just limit the number of minutes and they are careful not to over do it. Great invention, now I just need to low-jack the phone and I will always know his location. Kids never leave home without their phone.
Charlie's getting a cell phone either this year or next year. I love the ease of them. What were our parents thinking when we were in Middle school? Oh, wait you guys were all well behaved- well what were MY parents thinking?!?!?
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