Monday, October 12, 2009

Everyone is back at school.

Everyone went to school today, even with a few coughs and snotty noses. It snowed all day on top of it, now I need to get the kids boots before they can play in the playground(if they would just quit growing). I worked at the HS twice last week during homecoming week, that was an experience. Not only didn't the kids work much, but neither did I(supervising games, and pep fests). This morning I got a late call to go to preschool, the opposite of high school. They love you at preschool, it they could find a zipper in my tummy they would unzip it, climb in, and zip it up, that's how close they like to get. It was a good day, I've missed working quite a bit so far this year(too sick, sick kids, etc), but the three times I have worked have been wonderful. Maybe being a sub grows on you, I seem to like it more every year.


Grandpa and Grandma B said...

Glad everyone is doing better. Take it easy so no relapses.

Heather said...

It grows on you huh? Just like a church calling I guess.