Monday, August 8, 2011

Newly Wed House guest

Our old babysitter is getting married this week and then they are coming here for a reception and a week with the family before the honeymoon.  We are leaving a few days before they are and so offered our house to them so they could have some alone time and also watch the dog.  The kennel has gone up to 20 dollars a day, use a gun why don't you!!!!  So they will stay here and we will give them some cash for the help and I told them I would clean the house before they came and he answered that he would not mess it up.  Like that is what I was worried about, I was more worried they would be shocked at the messiness of 7 people....I'm shocked at times.  Well I hope it goes well and Parker will do better with someone in the house for most of the time we are gone, the longest he has stayed at the kennel is over a weekend.

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