Friday, August 24, 2012

Math Study Pay-off

I passed the math test...I missed one out of the 20 questions....I didn't get to know which I missed...but one question I thought didn't have an answer that was correct.  Multiple choice...I worked every question twice then looked at the answers to mark the correct one.
I now am signed up for the Mathematics for Elementary Teachers and Special Education Teachers.  This is a new requirement for the license that is updating next year...the license will be an umbrella of all the special education licenses currently available.  So that is why the math class, but I tested out of the pre-reqs.  Alos after buying by books I've joined Amazon student so I can get 2 day shipping free and the service is free for 6 months then 39 dollars a year for up to 4 years.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just bought my text books this morning! I need a ton of books for just 2 classes. I'm gambling a little buying older editions and not buying some that are e-books from the campus library. The ebooks are 24 hour check outs so I am hoping I can check them out repeatedly!