Monday, November 14, 2011


homemade granola bars
JT is getting himself tossed out of Primary each Sunday for behavior problems, a few weeks ago I gave him half a granola bar right after Sacrament and sent him to Primary and he did great.  Well fast Sunday came up and the next week I forgot the bar and he got tossed out again.  This week I remembered and the teacher said he was a different child.  Who knew...he was just hungry.  I don't know why they just don't feed all the kids when they get there?  It is 11:15AM and they most likely had breakfast at 7, he is not the only one with behavior problems.  Just an idea.
No time for a bog breakfast because the kids eat at the normal time like everyday about 7AM and also we like to get to church on time so that means done with everything by 9:25AM teeth brushed, shoes, socks, etc.  So breakfast would need to be done by 9AM and they would be starving by then.  Keeping the schedule is important maybe we should have church at 8AM like school.  Then lunch at home at 11:15 solves all the problems.
I think the church as a whole should do this, if Primary is between 11-2 hungry kids grumpy kids, full kids happy kids.  If the mice are a problem then food should be banned from the whole church, we have more food on the floor after Sacrament then the primary room ever did and they at least vacuum the primary room.


Nessa said...

Trust me...if it was up to us, we WOULD feed them. If you would be willing to supply the budget for such an endeavor we will implement it right away!

Grandpa and Grandma B said...

I think it was President Hinckley that said if a child is suffering from being hungry, do not make them fast, help them to learn the principle of the fast but no child should be made to suffer because they are hungry.

A little patience works also as far as leaders and teachers are concerned.

What if parents took turns providing granola bars for each week, a 1/2 of bar per child for each class? Just a thought! When we were on our mission in Romania we had problems in Primary just like JT and I started buying little pudding cups and wafer cookies for the children and it was like a different group. Just tell Bonnie "Try it you will like it!!!

Heather said...

I've got 12 6-7 year-old kids that come every week. If feeding them will make my job easier, it is totally worth it!!

Anonymous said...

Since church doesn't start until 10 everyone should be able to feed their kids a good breakfast at home. If not they can surely give them a granola bar in Sacrament.