Sunday, March 8, 2009

Complain Complain

I would like to complain. Bacon is good, but too much of a good thing is not good. I've eaten too much bacon in the two years we have tasted bacon and I'm sick of it. Sorry David!!! Two plus weeks in April for bacon and when I taste test I can't sub, more then the morning, so I lose jobs. April and May are my biggest sub months. I worked 20 plus days during those two months last year. Bacon will really be in the way. Darn commitments.

Everyone seems healthy except for my migraine last night that made my eyes look different directions, that was interesting. Focusing was not possible so a few pills and a nap I felt better.

Busy week coming up. Two concerts, David out of town for three days, and the normal things. JT made a comment on Thursday when I told him to put his shoes on for Gunnar's basketball game. He said, "Mom why can't we just stay home for once." My feelings exactly.

1 comment:

TStevens said...

IT IS BACON!!!!!!!