Tuesday, February 5, 2013

EDC 206 Presentation working

Similarities and Differences between Spanish and English:


  • The hat

    Spanish is a romance language from the Indo-European language family that strongly resembles Portuguese and Italian. English is a Germanic language, but many of its word roots come from the Indo-European Latin language and are similar to Spanish word roots. A bilingual site for educators, Colorín Colorado, notes that "30 to 40 percent of all words in English have a related word in Spanish. With similar sound, appearance, and meaning, these cognates help students transfer that word knowledge into their second language."

Alphabet, Pronunciation of Vowels and Letter Combinations

  • Roman letters

    The Latin alphabet is used in both English and Spanish, but Spanish has three more letters, including the ñ, or the "ene." In English, there are more than 14 vowel sounds, while in Spanish there are only five. According to Colorín Colorado, vowel sounds represent the most challenging differences between Spanish and English for students. Various English dipthongs (vowel combinations), such as au and ou, don't exist in Spanish. Moreover, several consonant combinations, such as sh and th, don't typically ccur in Spanish.

    Word Order and Punctuation

    • The white dog, or el perro blanco

      In English, the typical order of words in a descriptive sentence is, adjective plus noun, whereas in Spanish, the word order is typically, noun plus adjective. For instance, in Spanish, "the white dog" is "el perro blanco." Exclamation marks and question marks occur at both the beginning and end of the sentence in Spanish, but the first one is inverted. For example, "¿Quieres ir al teatro esta noche?" is, "Do you want to go to the theatre tonight?" "¡Socorro!" means "Help!"


    • Los libros, or the books

      In Spanish, all words have a gender and require a gender-specific article. For instance, "la mesa," or "the table," is a feminine word. "A book," or "el libro," is masculine. "Los" and "las" are the masculine and feminine plural forms, respectively. In English, articles are gender-neutral.

Lesson Idea:

English and Spanish as languages are cousins, as they have a common ancestor, known as Indo-European. And sometimes, English and Spanish can seem even closer than cousins, because English has adopted many words from French, which might be seen as a sister language to Spanish.

Here are some of the more common patterns of similarity you'll come across:

Words that end in "-tion" in English often end in -cion in Spanish:
nation, nación
station, estación
fraction, fracción
publication, publicación
Many English words that have a "ph" in them have an f in the Spanish version:
photo, foto
metamorphosis, metamorfosis
graph, gráfica
Words that end in "-ty" in English often end in -dad in Spanish:
fidelity, fidelidad
felicity, felicidad
faculty, facultad
liberty, libertad
authority, autoridad
A few words in English that have a "th" in them have a Spanish equivalent with a t:
empathy, empatía
theater, teatro
theory, teoría
Adverbs that end in "-ly" in English sometimes have a Spanish equivalent ending in -mente:
rapidly, rápidamente
profusely, profusamente
prudently, prudentemente
Some words that begin with an "s" followed by a consonant in English start with an es in Spanish:
stereo, estéreo
special, especial
snob, esnob
Some English words that have double letters have a Spanish equivalent without the letter doubled (although words with "rr" may have an rr equivalent in Spanish, as in "correspond," corresponder):
difficulty, dificultad
essence, esencia
collaborate, colaborar
common, común
Names of occupations that end in "-ist" in English sometimes have a Spanish equivalent ending in -ista (although other endings also are used):
dentist, dentista
artist, artista
phlebotomist, flebotomista
Names of fields of study that end in "-ology" often have a Spanish cognate ending in -ología:
geology, geología
ecology, ecología
archaeology, arqueología
Adjectives that end in "-ous" may have a Spanish equivalent ending in -oso:
famous, famoso
nervous, nervioso
precious, precioso
Words ending in -cy often have an equivalent ending in -cia:
democracy, democracia
redundancy, redundancia
clemency, clemencia

Fun Videos for Information:

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