Rant here.....I hate commenting on any blog that requires me to put in some stupid code or letter or whatever. I hate that and that is why I am not commenting on anyone's blog. Let anyone comment and just moderate the comments. I cannot tell what those stupid codes are and I hate
HATE HATE them. I will not comment if I have to go through this stupid add on. Sorry I start a comment and then quit when I have to put this thing in.....
OK that is what I wanted to say. HATE HATE HATE HATE this!!!
Just checking to see if I had to do the text box security check if I commented on your blog... ;)
I agree with you 100%. Now that they have added the blurred numbers it is even more frustrating. I will change my blog so you can comment.
I really dislike it to so I decided to fix it.
I agree, I agree, I agree most of the time I can't even read them and have to do it over and over again so I give up!
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