Thank you. Vanessa had the family over for many of my favorite treats after church on my birthday. Meredith, Bonnie, and Vanessa gave me the best gift and then took me out for dinner a few days ago. YUMMY!!!! Renee gave me a terrific cook book for the crock pot and I have made 4 recipes so far and the kids loved one. All of them loved it which is so rare around here. My parents gave me a gift and flowers, thanks. I love having flowers around. David showered me with gifts, he took careful notes of things I said I liked and then surprised me with many of them. It was a great birthday. Last year I wasn't feeling so great, but this year was wonderful. Thanks to all my friends and family for remembering me. Now for sky diving, thanks to my in-laws, my grandma Bremner, and my parents.
Last year SUCKED! :) Both you and I were sick on our birthdays, which is why I was determined that this year you would have a GOOD one! Glad you liked, what will we do next year???
And I'm wishing you a happy birthday, way too late! Happy Birthday, beautiful!
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